Die Anwendung unseres beauty:STAR Komplexes in dieser fruchtigen Bowl ist nicht nur unglaublich köstlich, sondern auch vorteilhaft, da es die Aufnahme der Nährstoffe durch den Körper erhöht.

Beauty Protein Bowl

The use of our beauty: Star complex in this fruity bowl is not only incredibly delicious, but also advantageous because it increases the absorption of nutrients through the body. Proteins promote the absorption of amino acids such as glycine, which is required to produce collagen and hyaluronic acid. With this delicious bowl you can help increase the effectiveness of our beauty and achieve the desired results faster.


  • 1 large cup of frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1 small banana
  • 1 heaped tablespoon vegan-redbeet:PROTEIN
  • 2 ML beauty:STAR
  • 80 ml plant milk
  • Toppings: Granola, fruits as desired

Here's how it's done:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender until creamy.
  2. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with toppings as desired and enjoy.

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