Dieser köstliche choco:MAGIC Schokochino schmeckt cremig lecker und ist ein schokoladiger Hochgenuss mit dem Extraplus an Nährstoffen für deine Zellen.


This delicious choco: Magic chocolate bochino tastes creamy delicious and is a chocolate glanting with the extraplus of nutrients for your cells.


  • 1 teaspoon choco:MAGIC
  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter
  • 1 shot of maple syrup
  • 1 cup of coffee
  • 150 ml Haferbarista

Here's how it's done:

  1. Put 1 teaspoon of choco:MAGIC with 1 teaspoon of peanut butter and maple syrup into a glass and stir into a chocolate cream at the bottom.
  2. Heat the oat barista and froth until creamy.
  3. Prepare 1 cup of coffee, pour over the chocolate base, finally pour in the creamy oat barista and serve garnished with a few chocolate sprinkles.

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