Herrlich köstlich und super saftig ist dieses besondere Saatenbrot ganz ohne Mehl mit unseren farmgoodies aus Österreich.

Sowing bread - gluten -free from press cake and all seeds

Wonderfully delicious and super juicy, this special seed bread is without flour with our farm goodies from Austria.
Protein shake with cocoa and peanutism You read Sowing bread - gluten -free from press cake and all seeds 1 minute Further Beauty Graneapple Smoothie


  • 50 g organic:FLAXSEED FLOUR
  • 50 g organic PUMPKIN SEED FLOUR
  • 150 g organic SUNFLOWER SEEDS
  • 70 g organic PUMPKIN SEEDS
  • 40 g chia seeds
  • 20 g organic HEMP SEEDS (peeled)
  • 20 g organic:FLAXSEED
  • 40 g psyllium husks (ground)
  • 40 g chopped nuts of your choice (walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts)
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter or tahini
  • A small tablespoon of maple syrup and freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 350 ml of lukewarm water

Here's how it's done:

  1. Mix all dry ingredients.
  2. Mix almond butter or tahini with warm water, lemon juice and maple syrup until smooth.
  3. Now mix everything together to form a smooth dough.
  4. Spread the dough into a small greased loaf pan and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C top and bottom heat for 65 minutes.

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