Dieser Zitronen-Ingwer Eistee verbindet die Frische von Zitronen, der angenehmen leichten Schärfe von Ingwer und dem wohltuenden Geschmack von Zimt und Kurkuma.

Lemon-ginger iced tea - particularly good for high lung (wind) 🌬

This drink is particularly suitable for the Lung type as it is refreshing and has a light effect suitable for Lung types. The black tea provides energy while the lemon juice and mint provide a refreshing note typical of Lung types. Using jamu:MAGIC can help support digestion and strengthen the immune system, which is also beneficial. Adding sweet:ROOT or maple syrup to taste allows the drink to be customized according to personal taste.

Summer Drink - Beneficial for all doshas (Lung, Tripa, Beken) 🌍🏔🌬🔥 You read Lemon-ginger iced tea - particularly good for high lung (wind) 🌬 1 minute Further Pineapple coconut smoothie

Ingredients - 2 people

  • Juice from one squeezed organic lemon
  • 1 ML jamu:MAGIC
  • 1 bag of black tea
  • 350 ml water
  • sweetener: ROOT or maple syrup as desired
  • ice cubes
  • mint leaves

Here's how it's done:

  1. Prepare black tea according to instructions and let cool.
  2. Mix well with lemon juice, jamu:MAGIC and the sweetener.
  3. Pour over ice cubes, garnish with a lemon slice and mint leaves and serve chilled

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