Mango-Frucht-Bowl mit natto:MAGIC

Mango-fruit bowl with NatTo: Magic

Summery freshness, exotic flair and a touch of magic - all of this is contained in this tempting mango bowl! Perfect as a healthy breakfast or as a refreshing snack between meals.

The combination of frozen mango, creamy yogurt and the special touch of natto:MAGIC promises not only an explosion of flavor, but also an energy boost for the day. And with the colorful toppings, this bowl is not only a feast for the palate, but also an eye-catcher.

Let yourself be enchanted and immerse yourself in the tropical world of flavors of this magical mango bowl!

Ingredients - 1-2 people

  • A mango frozen in pieces
  • A cup of natural or coconut yogurt
  • 1 ML natto:MAGIC (2 scoops for 2 people)
  • Toppings: melon, dragonfruit, mango

Here's how it's done:

  1. Puree the frozen mango pieces with the yoghurt, stir in natto:MAGIC and spread into a bowl.
  2. Decorate with toppings and enjoy.

Tip: Sprinkle a tablespoon of almond:PROTEIN PORRIDGE on top for a delicious crispy treat.

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