Chia-Kokospudding mit Kiwi & natto:MAGIC - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Lung und Tripa 🌬🔥

Chia coconut pudding with kiwi & natto:MAGIC - especially balancing for high lung and tripa 🌬🔥

This recipe for chia coconut pudding with kiwi and natto:MAGIC (nattokinase) is especially good for those high in Lung and Tripa. Lung-Tripa types usually have a lively and creative personality, bu...
Mango-Frucht-Bowl mit natto:MAGIC

Mango-fruit bowl with NatTo: Magic

Summery freshness, exotic flair and a touch of magic - all of this is contained in this tempting mango bowl! Perfect as a healthy breakfast or as a refreshing snack between meals. The combination ...
Genieße den puren Geschmack des Sommers und lass dich von der leckeren Verbindung von Ananas-Kokos-Banane und natto:MAGIC verwöhnen.

Pineapple coconut smoothie

Tropical culinary delight for home! Enjoy the pure taste of summer and let yourself be pampered by the delicious connection of pineapple coconut banana and Natto: Magic.