Schoko-Chia-Pudding mit chocoMAGIC – himmlisch schokoladig & gesund!

Schoko-Chia-Pudding mit chocoMAGIC – himmlisch schokoladig & gesund!

Dieser cremige Chia-Pudding vereint intensiven Schokoladengenuss mit der Kraft von chocoMAGIC, unserer ayurvedischen Kakao-Mischung. Er ist nicht nur unglaublich lecker, sondern auch reich an wertv...
COGNI BLISS BALLS – Nährstoffreicher Genuss für Geist und Körper

Cogni Bliss Balls - nutrient -rich enjoyment for mind and body

These Bliss Balls are the ideal choice for a healthy source of energy. Pitted dates, walnuts and the nutritious almond:PROTEIN PORRIDGE provide valuable proteins and healthy fats, supplemented with...
Saftiger Kürbis-Schokobrownie

Juicy pumpkin chocolate brownie

Juicy Pumpkin Chocolate Brownie 🎃🍫 This juicy pumpkin chocolate brownie combines the creamy sweetness of pumpkin puree with the intense notes of dark chocolate nibs and almond butter. The cocoa in...
Healing Choco Cream

Healing Choco-Cream

Fancy a chocolatey and healthy break? Our Healing Choco Cream combines the natural taste of cocoa with the nutrient-rich power of choco:MAGICIn just a few minutes you can conjure up a creamy moment...
Proteinreiche Kichererbsen Schokocreme

Protein -rich chickpeas chocolate cream

Enjoy the protein-rich chickpea chocolate spread, a nutrient-rich combination of chickpeas, chocolatey choco:MAGIC and the natural sweetness of Medjool dates and maple syrup. This vegan spread is p...
Choco Chia Dream – Pudding mit Haselnuss & Feigenzauber

Choco Chia Dream - pudding with hazelnut & fig magic

Enjoy the choco:MAGIC Chia Dream - pudding with hazelnut & fig magic, a nutrient-rich combination of creamy chia seeds, chocolatey choco:MAGIC and the natural sweetness of Medjool dates. This v...
Cremiger Choco-Tonka Traum

Creamy Choco-Tonka Dream

Ice cream dream - an incredibly creamy and delicious temptation made from cashews and oat milk. With a pinch of tonka bean, cocoa and a hint of coconut, the new choco:MAGIC conjures up real moments...
Einfacher Schoko-Chia-Pudding mit einer Prise Chili - besonders wertvoll bei hohem Beken-Anteil (Erde) 🌍🏔

Simple chocolate chia pudding with a pinch of chili - especially valuable with a high Beken content (earth) 🌍🏔

The recipe for chia chocolate pudding with choco:MAGIC powder is an excellent choice for the Beken type. It contains healthy ingredients such as chia seeds, almond milk and fruits that are rich in ...
Himmlischer Schoko-Chiapudding

Heavenly chocolate chiapudding

Discover the sensual pleasure of a heavenly chocolate chia pudding that will enchant you with its natural ingredients and complex flavors. This recipe is not only incredibly delicious but also nutr...