Special Golden Milk mit jamu:MAGIC - besonders ausgleichend bei hohem Beken Anteil 🌍🏔

Special Golden Milk with jamu:MAGIC - particularly balancing with a high Beken content 🌍🏔

This recipe for Golden Milk with almond milk, jamu:MAGIC and dates is especially balancing for those with high Beken levels. Beken types tend to have a robust body structure and slow digestion. The...
Einfaches Kürbisrisotto mit jamu:MAGIC - besonders ausgleichend für Personen mit einem hohen Tripa-Anteil 🔥

Simple pumpkin risotto with jamu:MAGIC - especially balancing for people with a high Tripa content 🔥

This pumpkin puree with risotto recipe is especially balancing for those high in Tripa. Tripa types tend to have a finer body structure and a fast metabolism. They tend to be creative and enthusias...
Easy Mandel-Protin Schoko Pfannkuchen mit Banane-Heidelbeereis

Easy Mandel-Prodin Schoko pancake with banana-Heidelberreis

A healthy and delicious breakfast or dessert for your power day. With this recipe you can prepare our protein-rich almond porridge with a sweet note of cocoa and banana. This dish is ideal for thos...
Himmlischer Schoko-Chiapudding

Heavenly chocolate chiapudding

Discover the sensual pleasure of a heavenly chocolate chia pudding that will enchant you with its natural ingredients and complex flavors. This recipe is not only incredibly delicious but also nutr...
Mandelprotein-Zwetschgen-Traum, vegan & glutenfrei - besonders ausgleichend für Lung und Tripa 🔥🌬

Almond protein plum dream, vegan & gluten-free - especially balancing for lungs and tripa 🔥🌬

This recipe is particularly balancing for Lung Tripa types. The ingredients included, such as oat flour, almond:PROTEIN PORRIDGE, almond butter and almond milk, offer a good balance of fiber, prote...
Crispy Mandel Protein Porridge mit natural:BEAUTY

Crispy Mandel Protein Porridge with Natural: Beauty

Looking good and feeling great doesn't have to be complicated! Our simple porridge recipe combines almond:PROTEIN PORRIDGE with our brand new natural:BEAUTY complex to give you a delicious and ...
Cremige Süßkartoffelsuppe mit jamu:MAGIC

Creamy sweet potato soup with Jamu: Magic

Discover the magic of this creamy sweet potato soup that will enchant you with its vibrant color and complex flavors. Start your culinary adventure by simmering sweet potatoes and onions in a heart...
Grüner Power Smoothie

Green power smoothie

Treat yourself to a little break with this lightning-fast smoothie recipe! With the natural sweetness of apple and banana, paired with the nutrient-rich boost of green:ANGEL and mineral:HEROS, you&...
Thai-Gemüse-Curry mit jamu:MAGIC

Thai vegetable curry with Jamu: Magic

In the hectic rush hour of life, sometimes you forget to take a break and treat yourself to a warm, nourishing meal. Well, this recipe is a friendly reminder that you deserve to be pampered with th...